Saturday, April 3, 2010


The history of cinema began over 100 years ago.The first motion camera was invented by a Frenchman LOUISE LUMIERE in 1895.
He was the first filmmaker who started filmmaking.He use to shoot a concept in the morning ,edit it in the afternoon,show it to all in the evening.
The American THOMAS ALVA EDISON was a competitor of LUMIERE. But as with bulb he coud't gain his name in the invention or development of camera because ,his camera was bulky where as Lumiere camera was portable and the marketing people supported Lumiere's product.
So many very shoot flicks where made by Lumiere.The first motion movie ever made on earth was ....
THE ARRIVAL OF THE EXPRESS TRAIN AT CIATAT,then followed by some other films like People leaving a factory,Parents feeding a baby,People enjoying picnic along a river.....
This was the start of SILENT ERA of our great film world.

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